If the department does fully shut down, student loans are not going away. Education Secretary Linda McMahon said that the ...
The Education Department announced Friday it is investigating more than 50 colleges and universities over what it called ...
Amid plans to slash more than 1,300 jobs from the U.S. Department of Education, a Boston office is also on the chopping block ...
At least two dozen Massachusetts-based staff will go on administrative leave as the federal Department of Education slashed ...
Five years after the pandemic, only 20% of fourth graders who are Black, Latino or from low-income households scored ...
These practices tend to exclude white people and Asian Americans, according to officials in the Trump administration.
Approximately 1,300 Department of Education employees will be laid off, the Department of Education said in a news release.
The federal funds on the chopping block include support for special education, low-income students, Pell Grants, food ...