Even the 'land of steady habits' has seen change over time. Here's a look at 10 ways Connecticut is becoming a different place.
Creighton upset UConn while Drake, IWCC, Peru State, Missouri and Kansas also landed regional men’s college basketball wins on Saturday.
A South American pepper known for fruity and tropical notes with moderate heat is one spice company's top flavor for 2025.McCormick named aji amarillo as its 2025 Flavor of the Year, the company said in a news release on Tuesday,
A longtime local soccer coach died after an accident in the Cliff Haven area Sunday morning. State Police said that shortly before 10 a.m., they were called to Route 9 in Cliff Haven in the Town of Plattsburgh for a one-car accident.
Police records and official law enforcement statements confirm TdA-linked crime and arrests have occurred in 22 U.S. states.
With three wrestlers ruling their weight classes, the host Vergennes Union High School wrestling team earned the best finish among local schools competing at Saturday’s Commodore Invitational Tournament.
Grace Cave reached 300 career assists while ISU, Graceland, Kansas City, Northwest Missouri State and Kansas were all winners in regional women’s college basketball on Saturday.
Although hundreds of people have disappeared for other motives since then, the Truth Commission said this was the most violent period in Peru’s history. More than 69,000 people are counted as “fatal victims” — about 20,000 classified as “disappeared” and the rest killed by insurgents or the military.
In Peru, out of 20,000 disappeared people, only 3,200 remains have been found. In Colombia, five decades of war left a staggering death toll and more than 124,000 people missing. Paraguay’s dictatorship left a smaller number of disappeared (500 people), but only 15 bodies have been recovered.
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers and State Farm offer the best combination of dependable customer service and cheap rates in Connecticut. Both companies offer online quotes, so you can quickly compare rates to find the best ...
Incubus 2025 tour is scheduled to be held from June 25, 2025, to October 4, 2025, in venues across the USA and Canada.
The word "Connecticut" takes its namesake from the Mohegan word "Quinnehtukqut," which means "long tidal river" and references the Connecticut River – New England's longest, running through the ...