Hollie Plemons took her seat before a panel of lawmakers in Austin to make her conservative case against school vouchers.
The proposed legislation aims to establish Education Savings Accounts, sparking debate over tuition coverage and equity in Texas' educational landscape.
In public hearings, during Capitol floor debates and in rooms packed with their constituents, Texas lawmakers have pitched ...
The marathon hearing in the Texas House has finally wrapped up. Dozens of people voiced their opinions on the school voucher ...
Gov. Greg Abbott, who has led the charge for the education savings accounts, says school choice will pass in the House this ...
As he works overtime to sell school vouchers to Texans, Gov. Greg Abbott is ratcheting up his absurd claims about dysfunction ...
The committee recently heard testimony from educators and others on school vouchers, former Lufkin ISD superintendent, Roy Knight spoke against the bill. “Let’s put our money back where our neediest ...
The House is considering a $1 billion bill that would allow up to 100,000 students in Texas to attend private schools.