CHICAGO - Attorney General Kwame Raoul, along with a bipartisan coalition of states and other parties, today announced a $7.4 billion settlement in principle ...
The question was when, not whether, Trump’s funding freeze would face a legal challenge. A group of Democratic state ...
"The impending raids are a brazen attempt to stomp out the sanctuary city movement and run roughshod over the First Amendment ...
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration warns that “virtual currency continues to be a popular and growing method used to ...
Illinois Attorney General Raoul discusses how the Trump administration is impacting Illinois, including on immigration and a ...
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers and State Farm offer the best combination of dependable customer service and cheap rates in Connecticut. Both companies offer online quotes, ...
But the letter from Democratic Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s office recommends making that suspension permanent. It came Wednesday, the same day federal prosecutors began closing arguments in ...
CNN anchor Jim Acosta and Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul expressed outrage on Monday about Dr. Phil’s involvement in a Chicago Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid.