The original NBC series, which aired from 1974 through 1983, had over 200 episodes and has maintained its popularity on Peacock.
Narnia’s $1.5B trilogy opened with a scene C.S. Lewis didn’t write! Here’s why filmmakers went rogue—and why fans didn’t mind ...
C.S. Lewis's 'The Chronicles of Narnia' series has captivated readers since its debut in 1950. The series has seven books, ...
Greta Gerwig's Narnia movies for Netflix will be a unique adaptation with a possible "rock and roll" element. Fans hope the ...
Netflix's Narnia project will have a 2-week IMAX run before streaming release globally, setting a new hybrid model. The ...
In 2018, streaming giant Netflix snagged the rights to C.S. Lewis’ beloved fantasy novels, The Chronicles of Narnia. Ever since, rumours have swirled around the franchise, which Netflix hinted could ...
Disney's The Lion the Witch in the Wardrobe movie is 20 years old this year. Despite two sequels eventually coming out in theaters, Prince Caspian and The Voyag ...