You don't realize how much time you spend switching between windows until you don't have to anymore. This monitor lets you ...
Some owners of Nvidia’s RTX graphics cards have noticed black screen issues with the latest driver update recently.
AI is the latest buzzword in the smartphone industry, but not all features are created equal - here's why Google's Pixel Call ...
I never thought I had a screen time problem until my daughter called me out. The other night, we were sitting on the couch ...
Brainstorm things you enjoy doing that don’t involve screens, and make them a priority. Pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read, go for a walk or start a new hobby that keeps your hands busy.
How can I set better boundaries with my screen time without feeling disconnected or giving in to the habit all over again?
Oppo is reportedly launching an ultra-thin, small-screen flagship, likely the Find X8 Mini, in just a few weeks.
The Nest Hub is central to Google's Smart Home system and can not only tell you the weather forecast, stream YouTube and help ...
"I don’t want to be that person anymore. I want to be more engaged in my own life instead of just consuming content." ...
For the first time since researchers started counting, Hollywood's top-grossing movies featured the same number of male and ...
Reports claim Steven Spielberg did not like Megan Hilty (widely considered the best part of the show, owing to her remarkable ...
In today's Dear Annie column, Annie hears from an adult who wants to take ownership of their life and stop spending time consuming mindless content online.